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“The world is big…and I am small.”
“The world is fast…and I am small.”
“The ocean is deep…and I am small.”………

這是Emma Dodd的繪本《Me…》中一隻小企鵝的想法,從一個baby penguin的眼中,世界真的很大!天是這麼高,海是這麼深,山這麼高! 世界實在太大太雄偉了!而我一隻小小的企鵝 I am small. 相較之下真是太小了!

  • The wind is strong….and I am small.
  • The winter is long… and I am small.
  • The sky is high…and I am small.
  • The stars stretch far…and I am small
這些浩瀚的星際宇宙高山大海,These things are big and long and deep, and strong and high and far and steep…. 小企鵝落寞的說and I am small.

但在小企鵝的媽媽的眼中But you are big and you are kind. 這頁圖畫非常溫馨感人! 我們 看到小企鵝舒服地裹在媽媽的雙腳中,媽媽慈愛的說 When I’m with you, I do not mind. 媽媽的話給小企鵝很大的愛和溫暖,I may be small, 但他可以看到在媽媽的眼中,世界上最寶貴的 but I can see the biggest thing to you……. is me!

文本內文的反覆形式讓文字朗朗上口,畫風用色溫暖讓本來冷颼颼的企鵝棲息地也溫暖了許多,尤其結尾溫馨感人!在無垠海洋、崇山峻嶺、廣闊天空前,小企鵝一直覺得自己很渺小, I am small.但是誰令小企鵝無懼困難?But you are big and you are kind. When I’m with you, I do not mind. 是媽媽的愛啊!是媽媽的愛讓小企鵝迎向一切I may be small, but I can see the biggest thing to you……. is me !
文本內文的反覆句I am small. 和本週讀本I am a…同時學習最基本的主詞+Be動詞,不但認識常見字sight words: I ,am, 也能藉著繪本讀本自然讓孩子學習基本文法I am…

Classroom Activity
老師讓學生寫出繪本中的所有形容詞如: big, strong, deep… 讓學生造句The ocean is deep. The world is big. The wind is strong. 再對比and I am small.

Home Activity

媽媽和孩子合讀繪本媽媽讀前半句孩子讀I am small. 最後再合讀 But you are big and you are kind. When I’m with you, I do not mind. I may be small, but I can see the biggest thing to you……. is me!


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