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隨著元宵節過、春分到,春天來了!一元復始,萬象更新!! 春天是萬物發芽的時候, 適合看清清淡淡有草有花的書,Stephan Michael King 的 I Love You too 就是這樣,不僅內容輕快、顏色用的也清爽,畫面單純,草綠色的tone調讓人嗅到春天的氣息!

The world is filled with sunny days…bumbling, rolling, big grassy hill days. Dragonflies, flowers and….SNEEZES….Ahh Choo! 雖然sunny days 讓人開心,但即使不是sunny days, It doesn’t matter! 我還是開心,為什麼呢? It doesn’t matter if the world has blue skies, grey skies, starry skies, can’t see a thing skies, 即使不是天色長藍,花香常漫,我仍然可以天天開心, because there’s one thing I know, 那就是You love me and I love you too.

除了blue skies, grey skies, starry skies, can’t see a thing skies, 有時候The world is filled with windy days, we should stay inside. 但 let’s fly a kite together. Swoop, dive, swish…. Oops, 風箏纏住了, It doesn’t matter if we’re tangled in knots, because there’s one thing I know, 那就是You love me and I love you too.

有時候, The world is filled with rainy days, puddle jump days, make paper boat days. Sploosh, shivering, wet, covered in mud days. 我仍然可以天天開心, Whatever the weather there’s something I know. 那就是You love me and I love you too. Indeed, 不管是sunny days, blue skies, grey skies, starry skies, can’t see a thing skies, rainy days, puddle jump days, make paper boat days…我們所愛的人會讓世界變成了一個美麗的地方啊!

這本美麗可愛的繪本讓我們重溫friendship and love,還可以練習常見字I/you 呢!

Classroom Activity
老師和學生討論sunny days, blue skies, grey skies, starry skies, can’t see a thing skies, rainy days, puddle jump days, make paper boat days 和朋友一起進行的活動。

Home Activity
讓孩子圈出書中所有的sight words: I, you。

繪本:I Love You Too

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